United Methodist Church
of Mount Vernon
The congregation at United Methodist of Mount Vernon is a warm and welcoming group– eager to meet you and excited about worship. Come visit and see for yourself how God is working in our church and in our lives. We think you’ll agree that the “UMCMV” is a pretty amazing place to be.

What do United Methodists believe?
The United Methodist Church shares a great deal with other Christian denominations. We believe God’s grace is open to all, and therefore practice “open Communion”–meaning that anyone may participate in receiving Communion. We believe salvation is an open gift from God, accepted by individuals according to their own free will. The United Methodist denomination is a “big tent” theologically, providing space for theological discourse and, at times, disagreement.
Like many other Christian groups, we affirm the beliefs expressed in the Apostles Creed. These include:
The belief in one God
who is the Creator and sustainer of the universe.
The belief in the Trinity
that there is one God in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ
the Son of God, who is fully human and fully divine.
We, as the United Methodist Church of Mount Vernon, are here to say we are making spaces safe and affirming for all people to be themselves and that we are specifically in support of the LGBTQ+ community members. We affirm that those in the LGBTQ+ community are persons of sacred worth, full and whole members of the human family, and are beloved by God.