Sunday School
Sundays 9:45–10:45
2024-2025 Sunday School is under way! We are “diving” into the Bible this year and we are having so much fishy fun doing it. We welcome ages from 3 year old to 8th graders to get signed up- here is a link to the online sign up.
We plan to have family Sundays the final Sunday of the month, so look for those, an opportunity to participate in a fun bible based games and activities with your kids.
September’s (Sept 29) was BIBLE BINGO with Donuts & refreshments, and was so much fun!
October’s was TRICK OR TREAT TRIVIA with Donuts and we all had a blast!
November 24 will be our next Family Sunday as we celebrate Gratitude!
Sunday December 15 @ 7 pm will be our Christmas Pageant! We are so excited to have a great event with all the kids connected to our ministries!

Parental Forms
To sign up, click here!
Please email, mail or return in person to Mandy Moellering UMCMV Education & Youth Director: