Online Giving

Support UMCMV

Stewardship is an essential component of support for our mission and ministries. We appreciate any and all support. We provide this online giving portal for your convenience.

Scrip Fundraising Program

What Is Scrip?

Scrip is a term that means “substitute money”. When you purchase scrip, you’re purchasing gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used just like cash. You can use scrip to purchase everyday items like food, clothing and other essentials. With every purchase, you earn revenue for the church. Scrip comes in different forms – it could be a physical gift card, an electronic eCard, or a reload of a physical gift card.

In addition to Gary’s cards, there is a complete list of all retailers (over 500) available BrandList2024 or in the church office. Please feel free to write in other participating retailers not on the form. Return completed order forms (and check/cash) to the church office or drop them in the collection plate. Checks should be made out to UMC of MV-Scrip Account. Orders will be placed on the 15th of each month. Gift Cards should be received in the church office 7-10 days from the order date. Questions? Contact Jackie Morrical at or (319) 330-1646.

Worship With Us

Sunday Mornings

Join us this Sunday at 8:30AM for our Praise & Worship service or at 11:00AM for our Traditional Worship service. Both worships are also available online. We look forward to worshiping with you this week!