What’s Happening
Upcoming Events for UMCMV
Happy New Year!! Our Sunday School classes resume January 5 (9:45AM). Our HS Youth Group resumes January 5 (12:15PM). Our MS Rooted Youth Group resumes January 8 (6:30PM). We are excited to see everyone again!
Weather related announcements can be found at KCRG, on the answering system at the church, on Facebook, plus in email, and text messages. No weekend announcements will be posted to our website as our webmaster is off on weekends. To be added to our church email and text list, please contact the main office at 319-895-6286 or email office@umcmv.com. Our office hours will also change if Mount Vernon Schools have a late start or cancel due to weather.
New Message Series Begins January 12.
Moses – A Study of Leaders, Losers, and Loneliness