This Sunday, October 14th, as well as Sunday October 21st, and October 28th, we will be discussing “The Game Plan”, for our generosity series. I hope you will be present with us as we worship the Lord, and learn more about what the Book of Acts has to say about our money and our lives.
We will be asking questions like…
Where do we begin?
What gifts and talents has God given each of us?
How is it that we are to work for the Kingdom of God?
What is it that God asks of us?
We will work down the field, beginning with a first down, moving to the second down, and hopefully completing a touchdown, as we create a Game Plan for our individual lives and the life of our church.
We, as a church, have the ability to change the world as we fulfill the mission we’ve been called to. This is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. A vital piece of this happens when each of us takes the hard steps of financial discipline and fulfilling God’s call to generosity.
As we bring our generosity series to a close, we will have the opportunity to express our gratitude and generosity in Commitment Weekend (October 28th). Following services on this particular Sunday we will celebrate with a spaghetti dinner at noon. I look forward to continuing to worship the Lord with you all as we learn and grow together in our own discipleship for the Kingdom of God!