Check out the video!

Here is the link to their conversation! 


Find out Pastor Terra’s – favorite color,  her favorite sweet treat, what she likes to do, what she loves about UMCMV, what she wanted to be when she “grew up”, when she knew she wanted to be a pastor, and much more!


Joey’s conversation with Pastor Terra was a lot of fun and included questions provided by our Sunday School students.  The conversation was the perfect way to celebrate what we have been learning over the first month of Sunday school.


Our Celebrate Wonder Sunday school lessons have been all about God’s creativity-how God created the earth, living things, and people.  We learned that God created each one of us in God’s image-unique, beautiful, and good. We also see God creates “helpers” –calling us to work together to care for the earth and for each other. 


“(A pastor) is someone who comes along side people in a church and community to help them to grow in their love of God and love for one another and love for the people around them that might not be part of the church but who God loves. And my job is to help people do that.”

 (Pastor Terra)


We hope you too will enjoy this opportunity to “get to know” Pastor Terra and celebrate the way our pastor and church family are called to work together to grow in faith together, caring for each other and for all of creation.