We are excited to announce that at the most recent All-Committee Night, Staff Parish Relations Committee decided to grow our church staff with the following positions:
First we will replace the current part-time Youth Director position with a full-time Director of Youth and Worship. This is a new position that will work closely with me in implementing the confirmation program as well as continuing to grow our vital youth and worship, including directing praise team, programming.
They also voted to create a 10-hour position for Christian Education Director.
These positions have grown from the responsibilities formerly carried by Pastor Mark, along with his pastoral duties.
They will move us forward in mission and vision and with their addition, we can also offer additional support for our current staff. Through this work, SPRC has also fulfilled its challenge by the Finance Committee to realize a savings to the 2019 budget without the elimination of positions or sacrificing our programs and services.
Seeking the strongest candidates in the areas listed above, we will do our diligence to hire someone who is pastoral at heart, and feels a call to this type of ministry, to move us forward in mission and vision.