Mother’s Day is approaching rapidly and this year will be like none before.  Spending a long Sunday honoring the grace and beauty of moms will likely occur on opposite sides of a window, driveway or porch.  Physical distancing may continue to keep us from worshiping together too and giving thanks as a faith community for motherhood.  Let us help play a role of making the most (and the least) of this time.


We are planning a special tribute project for our faith community and UMCMV member Jeff Schmatt of Rubicon Photo is offering his services to make it even a little bit better.  How about a quick front porch family photo over Mother’s Day weekend?  Have fun and be creative. Dress in your best quarantine PJs or crazy quarantine attire; highlight your crazy hair, your stash of TP, or whatever you else you can think of to bring humor and levity to your isolation. How about maybe even dressing up like you would have for Easter Sunday…minus the extra hair we’re all carrying.  Perhaps, even, have a sign displaying an inspiration or Bible verse to incorporate in the photo. These fun photos will bring more lasting memories to your time of sequestering that you can’t get as easily with selfies and timers.


Rubicon Photo will provide a social media image for free to all participants and if you like how your photo turns out you can purchase photo products from Rubicon Photo. Jeff will donate 50% of all proceeds back to the UMCMV Outreach & Mission Fund.  A great way to celebrate, commemorate, contribute and be in community in a different way.


The caveat…we’d like to ask that all participants agree to let us use your image for a special UMCMV faith community project.   Of course, if you want to participate with your own photo, we want to include as many members as possible. For questions regarding a more professional shoot, contact Jeff Schmatt 319-895-8776 or  If submitting your own family photo please email them to him as well.  No matter whether you have family surrounding you or you are quarantined alone, Jeff would love to include everyone in this project so please sign up.


Jeff will conduct these shoots with these safety reminders; 1) only your quarantined family members in the photo, 2) Jeff will take a quick family photo at a distance from your front yard, 3) Photos are weather permitting. 


Sign up NOW on SignUpGenius for a time window Starting Friday May 8th thru Sunday May 10th.