Justice for Our Neighbors- Iowa
We continue our ongoing support of Justice for Our Neighbors (shortened we refer to JFON) — we did a special offering for them on Sunday August 26, 2018- feel free to donate anytime putting “JFON” in the memo line.
August 26, 2018 Update — JFON Business is “Booming”
Our special offering today is for JFON (Justice for our Neighbors), a free legal clinic for immigrants and refugees. During the first half of 2018, the Justice for Our Neighbors clinic in Cedar Rapids has been overflowing with clients and volunteers. In the Cedar Rapids clinic alone, from March through June (July was a vacation month), we have added:
46 new clients from 12 countries
34 new volunteers
There are 7 JFON clinics in Iowa. Ours in Cedar Rapids is the 2nd largest clinic.
JFON is a ministry of the United Methodist Church nationwide. In Iowa, JFON is funded through our “apportionments” (church giving), church special offerings, and a small number of grants/gifs from legal organizations. Immigration Law is a very specialized branch of law, and the most difficult of all to study. Few law students specialize in it, so immigration lawyers are very hard to find. We are SO fortunate to have 3 immigration attorneys for Iowa JFON, especially since each one has a case load of 300 or more, some of which last 4-5 years.
—Kay Graber, JFON Cedar Rapids Clinic Coordinator
Upcoming Fundraiser & Award Ceremony:
More information- check out their website!