2018 One Mission Change Challenge
The Finance Committee has teamed up with One Mission Fundraising to offer a Change Challenge for 2018. One Mission offers fragrant candles in 15 different scents and they are packaged in a container with a slot on the top that allows them to become a change bank! Please use this container to collect your change and return it to the church to help eliminate the General Fund Deficit.
One Mission Candles ($25 value) will be sold for $20 each and you can select from the following scents:
Winter Pine
Soft Linen
Fresh Mint
Red Currant
Pumpkin Spice
Cinnamon Roll
Caramel Pecan
Maple Walnut
Cinnamon Spice
Mocha Latte
You are welcome to order as many candles as you like at this discount price. Orders for candles will be taken from January 4-14th and candles will be available for pick up starting Sunday, January 14th if you ordered them on January 7th- otherwise get them on Sunday January 21. Change banks can be immediately filled with loose coins from your car, coat pockets, purses or sofa cushions. Once they are full you can bring them back to the church, empty them in a collection container and take home the change bank and start collecting again!
We have designated March 25, June 24, September 30, and December 30 as official coin collection dates, but we would be happy to accept the contents of your Change Bank at any time!
Thanks very much for supporting the good works of the church!