World-Transforming Community Sermon Series

Be the Church that Changes the World!

“It is time for the church to rediscover the Message and Mission of Jesus.”


April 3 (Confirmation Sunday) A Missional Church  Micah 6:8

April 10  A Inclusive Church Matthew 5:38-39, 43-45

April 17 A Discipling Church Acts 2:44-47

April 24 Metholarks Musical 

May 1 Pastor Lee from Women At the Well

May 8 A Multiplicating Church  John 21:4014

May 15 A People Church  2 Samuel 7:4-6; John 4:21-24

May 22 A Courageous Church Joshua 1:6-7

May 29 (Memorial Day Weekend) Trust and Obey Luke 7:1-10