We have a place at the table for you!
We are excited to say… we have a place at the table for you!
Sundays in August our worship will be around the table- Breakfast, Fellowship & Worship at
9:30 AM Sundays in Fellowship Hall.
During the month of August we will have a single worship service, beginning with breakfast and fellowship. Beginning around ten o’clock, we will move to a time of worship and table conversation, incorporating the book A Bigger Table: Building Messy, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual Community by John Pavlovitz. The small group that studied A Bigger Table this spring found his premise both thought-provoking and exciting. We felt that examining key concepts from A Bigger Table with our wider church family was an opportunity to stimulate conversation and vision for our future as a church.
So friends, our first Sunday is August 7th, beginning with breakfast at 9:30 – Rumors have it we are serving BACON! That is cause for celebration! We will then move into a time of song, reflection, and conversation, setting the table, so to speak, for our conversations throughout August.
Please mark your calendars now to join us Sundays in August for a unique, energizing worship in Fellowship Hall at 9:30 AM.