Sign Up Today!

Donate Blood, Save Lives. Help us battle the winter weather by donating blood. We need to make sure that the blood supply is strong through every snow storm and cold and flu season! YOU can make sure that patients have the blood that they need during this unpredictable season. Due to winter weather cancellations, the Blood Center has already lost over 200 donations since the holidays. Now more than ever we need your help at the Mt. Vernon Community blood drive.

Don’t forget! All donors will receive a voucher for a special baseball cap or tie-dye t-shirt (pictured above) from the Impact donor store!

Mt. Vernon Community Blood Drive

Sponsored by the United Methodist Church of Mt. Vernon

Thursday, February 28th     

2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

United Methodist Church of Mount Vernon – Fellowship Hall (304 1st Street)


Sign up online HERE!

Questions? Contact Alison Dix  at UMCMV Church Office or at


Remember to eat a good meal before donating and drink plenty of water!