Did you know the church is in prison?  Women at the Well is our sister congregation, a United Methodist congregation within the walls of the women’s correctional institution in Mitchellville, Iowa.  The pastor of this ministry, Rev. Lee Schott, will be with us on Sunday, April 15, to share with us about the ten years of weekly worship, supportive community, faith nurture groups, and aftercare we have offered to the women there.  Maybe you’ll find your own place in prison—in ministry with these women, our sisters in Christ.


Pastor Lee has been transformed by her connection with women (criminals!) of amazing resilience, faith and wisdom, as they navigate overwhelming obstacles. She is a frequent speaker outside the prison and the author of a forthcoming book, Learning Church Where We Did Not Mean to Go, which offers lessons for the church in the world, based on her experience of church inside the prison.


Lee resides with her husband on her family’s century farm near Prairie City, Iowa.  They are the parents of three sons and a dear daughter-in-law.


We will have a special offering during worship on 4-15-2018, for Women at the Well.  Please make checks payable to UMCMV, with “Women at the Well” in the memo line, and we will forward the total that is given.  If you are not prepared to make an offering, you are always welcome to make a gift after this weekend, either through this church (as directed above) or directly to Women at the Well by mail or online at:  womenatthewellumc.org.