On Thursday April 18 @ 6:30 pm, you are invited to participate in Maundy Thursday Worship at United Methodist Church of Mount Vernon.
Pastor Joy will share scripture from the book of John and give a short message for us to reflect on. We will then all be invited to participate in several stations that will be set up around the sanctuary and common ground. These stations are meant for you to take some time for reflection during this Holy Week. Spend as much time as you need at each station.
The stations include:
Communion: Receiving the body and blood of Christ
Hand washing: Hand washing is an act of humility and service to others.
Meditative Coloring: These coloring pages are meant to help you enter into an immersive time of meditation, reflection, and worship. Let your mind to be still, to focus, to quiet the world around you, and open yourself up to how God wants to speak to you.
Labyrinth: Meditation and prayer merge within the labyrinth. Walking the labyrinth is another form of listening to God. In combining the walk with talking to God, the labyrinth opens the soul to a spiritual journey.
Palm Crosses: Palms have served as a symbol of Christ’s victory. Shaping a palm into a cross is a reminder of the ultimate victory of Christ and his sacrifice.
Quiet Refection: Taking time reading and reflecting on the scriptures provided.
We hope this worship will help feed your soul – as you join in these creative and spiritually nurturing activities as part of your Holy Week journey towards Easter.